About me


I have always had an affinity for all things healing related. My Ojibwe heritage, and a love of nature, have always resonated deeply within my soul, even during my earliest childhood memories. As a child, I could always be found in the woods. I would play for hours among the trees. Being in nature and near water was healing to me.

I was so drawn to nature that I went to college in Colorado. The mountains helped heal me during some hard times. It was there that I found Reiki. In 1997, I became attuned to Reiki 1. The attunement is simply an initiation; you receive symbols and your Reiki journey begins. I was hooked. I bought my first Tarot deck, started doing yoga/dance and meditation. I left Colorado with a Bachelor’s in Theater (one of my passions) and no job. So I came back to my hometown, Minnesota.

In 2008, I received my Masters in Counseling and became a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). I went into this field because I’ve always been a helper. I had the desire to join the Mental Health field with my healing background.

Over the next few years, I kept my healing hidden away; only doing Reiki on myself and cards for a select few. I didn’t feel I could truly be who I was in front of some people, so I buried it down.

In 2011, I became pregnant and around 15 weeks, was diagnosed with preeclampsia. This was a rough time for me, eventually spending time in the hospital. After my son was born via emergency c-section at 28 weeks and a very rough recovery, I spent 6 weeks at the hospital, spending each day with my son in the NICU. I became depressed/anxious, I lost myself, and had PTSD. I was stuck in this cycle for a few years; simply taking it one day at a time.

In 2017, I was still feeling stuck. I had two beautiful and healthy boys, but I felt like something was missing. A part of me wasn’t being fulfilled and I was overwhelmed with many things. So I went to therapy, worked hard on myself, and did a lot of soul searching. I came to the conclusion that I wanted to do something to help others. I wanted to figure out how to find a job in this field, but wasn’t ready to do mental health again.

I decided to enroll in Yoga school. Yoga has always been a saving grace for me. I felt like myself on the mat; many times crying in Savasana. During my training, I took courses in chakras, meditation, pranayama, yoga anatomy, and many more. Throughout my time in this program, I had many eye-opening experiences. I really got in tune with who I am and why I am here. I started to realize that I was on the right path. Even though my Yoga school experience wasn’t what I had hoped, being around others who did yoga, working with energy/chakras, and meditation re-ignited my fire. I am confident that it is my divine purpose to help others in this way. I am excited to rise into my light and share my gifts of healing with others. I hope to help others find their light and shine in the world.

I formed Rose Moon Healing to help others heal. Each healing session that I provide is unique and tailored to the individual. I look forward to our session together!