What is Reiki?

We are all connected. We are all energy. We are more than just our physical bodies. Reiki, as a spiritually guided universal life force energy, by nature, is not limited to the same time and space limitations we perceive.

The International Center For Reiki Training (ICRT) defines Reiki as: “ a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. “

Life force energy is the billions of tiny particles that move faster than any speed we can record and which holds all things together. It knows no bounds of time or space. Therefore, it can be directed through time and space, much like electricity.

Once a Reiki practitioner attains a certain level of attunement, he or she is able to send Reiki energy from anywhere to anyone. At the root of it, we’re all energy - interconnected. In fact, everything is energy.

Distance Reiki treatments are just as effective as in-person treatments, allowing clients to receive healing from afar. Distant Reiki sessions work because energy is not limited by distance. It works according to the Hermetic Law of Similarity. This states that we are all connected, we are all energy matter, and part of a larger whole. We are more than just our physical bodies; we have emotions, thoughts, and a spirit - these are levels of energy that are separate from our physical body. This energy body is made up of an energetic field (Aura), energy centers (Chakras), and pathways (Meridians). These need nourishment to maintain balance to function. Reiki energy helps replenish these energy bodies. 

During a distance Reiki session, the practitioner connects to the energy bodies of the client and invokes the Reiki distance symbol that empowers Reiki to reach you. They send Reiki, which is pure healing energy, directly to you. This energy will be directed to any areas of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual healing discussed during your private and confidential consultation.

Distance Reiki Session

The session will occur via Zoom During the beginning of our session, I will take some time to chat with you about any physical, emotional, mental, spiritual healing that is needed. Then I will allow you some time to get comfortable. Many clients prefer to lie down in order to be fully relaxed. I also suggest covering your eyes with a comfortable cloth, in order to keep out any light.

I will open the space and guide you with my voice to a deep, relaxed, meditative state. This deep relaxation will allow your mind, body, and soul to accept the Reiki energy filling your spirit.   

One of the best things about distance Reiki is that you are safe in your own space. Some find distance sessions to be even more beneficial for experiencing Reiki, as they can relax in their own home, without the distraction of travel, or being in a new place.

Although Reiki treatment experiences may vary among clients and sessions, feelings of deep relaxation remain most common. Some clients have also described experiencing feelings of: Warmth, clarity, emotional weight leaving the body, increased energy, and pain reduction.

Reiki energy encourages clients to let go of all tension, fear, or other negative feelings, in an effort to experience a state of peace and well-being. Some clients have drifted off to sleep, or described feeling as though their physical presence is in a floating state.

During your session, you will may feel relaxed. I usually work with the 7 main Chakras and I guide you through each one. Notice any sensations, impressions, or guidance you receive during your session.

Once the session is over, I will pull a card from an Oracle deck. If desired, I will discuss any visualizations or feelings that I encountered via our energy connection during the session.

The beauty of virtual distance Reiki sessions, is that you are free sleep, journal, meditate, take a bath, or simply relax at the conclusion of the session.  I always recommend drinking plenty of water, and taking a few minutes to reflect on your experience.

​Following distance healing sessions, my clients often feel relaxed, grounded, open, and empowered. Distance healing works to bring forth healing, and healthy change for the client.

How to prepare for your Reiki Session: 

If possible, dedicate 10-15 minutes prior to the appointment to be still and breathe. This step is not a requirement, but I often find that it helps tremendously to prepare your spirit to enter a healing space.

If you desire, enjoy some tea, and bring out any candles, crystals, or meaningful items that make your surroundings feel safe and comfortable to you. Minimize any distractions if possible, as this will ensure that you can remain fully present, and open to receiving Reiki during the session.